PRECISION AGRICULTURE  This is the use of technology to make farming more efficient and sustainable. For example, farmers can use GPS and sensors to monitor things like soil moisture and nutrient levels. They can also use drones to get a bird’s-eye view of their crops. And they…

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CATTLE FARMING  This involves the rearing and management of two types of animals- one group for food requirements like milk and another for labour purposes like ploughing, irrigation, etc. Cattle farming is also known as beef farming. It is the practice of raising cattle for meat. Cattle are usually raised on a pasture or in…

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Animal welfare

ANIMAL WELFARE Animal welfare refers to the physical and mental well-being of animals. When we talk about animal welfare in the context of livestock farming, we’re specifically looking at how animals are treated on farms. There are several factors that can affect animal welfare on farms, including housing conditions, food quality, and animal handling. Housing…

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CULTIVATION OF RICE Rice plant is an annual warm-season grass (monocot plant) with round culms, flat leaves and terminal panicles. Rice is normally grown as an annual plant, it is typically grown in flooded fields, called paddies. Although in tropical areas it can survive as a perennial and can produce a ratoon crop up to…

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CROPS AND HORTICULTURE Crops are plants that are grown for food or other uses, while horticulture is the science and art of growing plants. Horticulture is the branch of plant agriculture that deals with garden crops, generally fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. The main goal of horticulture is to improve the quality and quantity of…

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 BANANA FARMING  Bananas are perennials crops which produce succeeding generations of crops. A banana plantation is a commercial agricultural facility found in tropical climates where bananas are grown. The first cycle after planting is called the plant crop. The ratoon is the sucker (also called the follower) succeeding the harvested plant. Banana farming starts with…

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The Bedrock of Civilization: The Importance of Agriculture

The Bedrock of Civilization: The Importance of Agriculture   Agriculture, often referred to as the basis of civilization, is a cornerstone of human progress and sustenance. It practically involves cultivating crops, raising livestock, and harnessing natural resources to provide food, fiber, and other essential commodities. Its profound impact on society, the environment, and the global…

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COCO BEAN     The cocoa bean is the seed of the cocoa tree (theobroma cacao). Once the beans have been fermented and dried, they can be processed to produce a variety of products. These products include: Cocoa butter – Cocoa butter is used in the manufacture of chocolate. It is also widely used in…

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