Challenges facing Pig farming industry

Challenges facing Pig farming industry

The major constraints affecting pig production were high labour, poor housing, high finance, land holding, high incidence of disease, and high cost of feed. Also there are quite a number of challenges facing the pig farming industry. One challenge is the high cost of feed. Feed accounts for around 60-70% of the total costs of pig production, and the price of feed has been increasing due to factors such as climate change and global economic instability. Another challenge is the prevalence of diseases, such as African swine fever and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS). These diseases can lead to high mortality rates and significant economic losses.

A third challenge is the need to meet growing demand for pork while also addressing environmental concerns, such as greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. The key animal welfare issue in pig farming is the close confinement of pigs in barren indoor environments, there is no opportunity for them to explore, forage and carry out other natural behaviour. Despite these challenges, the pig farming industry is making efforts to address them. For example, to reduce the cost of feed, some farmers are working to improve feed efficiency by optimizing feeding practices and using new technologies, such as precision feeding and nutrigenomics.

To combat diseases, farmers are implementing strict biosecurity measures, such as enhanced sanitation and vaccination. And to reduce environmental impacts, some farms are using sustainable practices, such as manure management and using renewable energy sources. Another challenge facing the pig farming industry is the increasing public scrutiny of animal welfare. More and more people are concerned about the way pigs are raised, including the use of gestation crates and tail docking. Some consumers are also calling for more transparency in the industry, such as more information about where the pigs are raised and how they are slaughtered. This can put pressure on farmers to make changes to their operations. On top of that, some retailers are also demanding higher welfare standards for the pigs they sell.

In conclusion, crossbred pigs were reared more than indigenous breeds due to their low productivity.



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